Our Team

Dr. Stefan Graeser

Stefan Graeser founded Graeser Film- und Videomarketing in 2014 to focus entirely on video and social media communication. Since then Graeser Film- und Videomarketing has produced several image films, product videos and web series that are shown around the world on fairs and online.

Christian Scholz

Christian Scholz joined the team in 2015 to focus on productions with storytelling. He holds a degree of the design department of the FH Dortmund for camera work and possesses more than ten years of work experience.

Jürgen Immes

Jürgen Immes started as a trained photographer and possesses longtime experience in professional lighting, design, animation and color grading. He focusses on incorporating all deliverables available to create stunning images.

Damian Gorczany

Damian Gorczany is a filmmaker, cinematographer and photographer. He has studied philosophy, media studies, and audiovisual communication in Bochum and Madrid (Master of Arts).

Sebastian Moretto

Sebastian Moretto has more than 15 years experience in the film industry. He has worked as a DoP, colorist and director on countless films, advertisings and music videos. 

Figures to trust


countries where we produce videos


state-of-the-art video resolution


Megabyte of video content produced

Get in touch

If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll get back to you soon.


Graeser Film- und Videomarketing
Reichsmarkstr.159, 44265 Dortmund, Germany


+49(0)231 5869340 0
